It’s universal knowledge that we must drink water to survive, but there are six options on what kind of water one should rely on for inner health.
But isn’t all water much the same? No! Let’s examine what makes the above types of water different and how that difference can affect your health.
TAP WATER is rainwater accumulated in major reservoirs which are open to the elements. Before it reaches your home as tap water it is treated to kill bacteria – generally with chlorine gas. It is also treated to remove sediment and, aluminium sulphate is often added despite aluminium’s well known adverse affect on memory. After this treatment, your home tap water travels, sometimes hundreds of kilometres, through potentially century-old rusting pipes which risk absorption of new bacteria, asbestos from cement, lead from old solder, backflow (reverse siphonage), as well as copper contamination from high rise building plumbing.
The use of chlorine in town water supply can dissipate, or create dangerous by-products such as Trihalomethanes, which are potentially carcinogenic.
And if that is not enough, the water from the household tap invariably tastes lousy!
FILTERED tap water takes tap water and treats by trapping or absorbing the pollutants, which reach your home. A plumber is required to fit most systems.
The major drawback to this option is that the filters clog up frequently and have to be changed, or worse, the filter could be so clogged that the very pollutants you hope to stop, get through.
No single type of filter gets all the water problems fixed; however by using a combination of filter and sterilisation systems it is possible to reduce the risks.
SPRING WATER has its foundations from a different source: it is water at it’s natural best that has been filtered through layers of sand and rock formations as it moves through underground contamination-free storage areas called aquifers.
This process, which could start off from a source thousands of kilometres away, is a natural filtration that often takes decades or up to 100 years to accomplish. It is nature at its natural best. The result is clean rainwater which has been value-added through the intake of minerals from underground rock formations.
Good spring source management requires not taking out water from the underground aquifer any faster than it is going in. Following the manufacturing practices and testing procedures required by the ABWI, the spring water is taken from underground, micro-filtered and passed through various processes to destroy bacteria and other contaminants before being bottled ready for distribution.
We believe spring water to be the best option for our drinking water for those after optimum health and well being.
RAIN WATER is a common source of natural water but more suitable for gardens and other outdoor use. Critical though, to its quality, is the way it is collected and protected.
The collection surface is typically a building roof subject to the settling of airborne pollutants, bird wastes and guttering filled with vegetation matter.
All of this can wash off into the storage tank and needs to be filtered and sterilised before use.
DISTILLED water option is not simply boiling your water in open air or at home. That may be good for killing bacteria, but it actually increases the percentage of heavy metals and other non-evaporated chemicals in the tap water system.
Distilled water is not harmful to the body; although it does not have the natural minerals that help the taste and that the body needs for its nourishment.
Generally, distilled water is not a preferred option for drinking water.
PROCESSED bottled water option is a product made in factories by creating distilled water through either steam distillation or micron filtration – then by adding back natural minerals to improve the taste and natural goodness of the waters.
Your Spring Waterman delivery person will come by your home or office every two weeks to deliver a fresh supply of water. There are no minimum delivery requirements.
4 Spall Street,
Carrara QLD Australia 4211
P.O Box 3354, Nerang B.C
QLD Australia 4211
Phone: 07 5530 2200
Fax: 07 5530 2255
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